February goodness shortest month and has been really bad for people in Australia and New Zealand.
Floods and Cyclone and then Earthquakes too. have been busy making quilt as you go blocks for flood relief in Brisbane, must get them posted off too, and have finished 2 of my quilts, one just a top which I am really pleased with, hope I have a picture on here soon too, also am finishing the 25 sauares quilt, this is for me as a laptop quilt, as we are off to Luckshall in Herefordshire, for a couple of days with SGL 6, new place so should be cool. we have some tents we thought we'd sell so we took a drive up to my friend Chris and used her grass,(we don't have any) and Bob drove the Camper on tothe grass and got bogged down we had to wait for about 4 hours for a guy to come over with a truck and pull us out, thank you, they were great.
when we got the tent up we had not brought the poles, so good job we had not gone camping, or that would have been terrible..
we are still waiting for our Great Grandchild to be born, The midwife said to wait till the 12th March and then they will induce her, Zack is being difficult.
then we had a another radiator leak in the hall, needed a new radiator. Our daughters x hubby died from lung cancer and we had his funeral, the kids were really upset, then the next week it was Sarah's 21st and alos news that Sev was going in the Navy on the 25th July, Paul would have been so proud of them all. so another fun filled Feb.